March 27, 2015
AgencyStart-up Insurance Coverage- Past the lean start-up phase
Lean start-up has a buzzword in the industry for the last couple of years. Although it primarily relates to minimizing […]
February 21, 2015
AgencyCamps, Day-cares, & Schools: Understanding Abuse and Molestation Coverage
Businesses that serve children have a special blessing and from and insurance perspective and additional risk. The law deals with […]
February 13, 2015
AgencyDoes TRIA matter for small businesses
In January the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 was signed into law. This law extended the previous […]
February 7, 2015
Agency3 Key Insurance Considerations for Dance Schools
Many dance schools believe that they have sufficient coverage if the school has a strong release. While a strong release […]
January 9, 2015
Fast food franchises are a staple of most generations living today. The oldest fast food franchise was A&W Restaurant which started […]
January 2, 2015
AgencyInsurance for Artisan Food Manufacturers
The business owners policy is a great policy for most small businesses because it provides general coverage for most of […]
December 19, 2014
AgencyFire Prevention for Restaurants
According to Hartford Insurance, 59% of all restaurant building fires are caused by cooking. The presence of deep fat fryers […]
December 12, 2014
AgencyFire Prevention for Offices
Electrical fires are one of the top five causes of commercial building fires. Causes of electrical fires are damaged wiring […]
December 5, 2014
AgencyInsurance Considerations for Historic or Older Commercial Buildings
In the insurance industry older buildings are generally seen as liabilities. However, for some business owners older buildings are an […]
November 21, 2014
AgencyWinter Risk Management for Commercial Properties
Property owners exposures are ramped up during the winter in most states. Both cold and possible precipitation increase the likelihood […]